
Meetings are held at 3pm (UK time) on Fridays. To receive notifications of future seminars, please email one of the organisors (Conor Houghton, Seán Froudist-Walsh, Laurence Aitchinson).

23/May/2024 Songting Li  (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)  – “Mathematical analysis of the structure and dynamics of large-scale cortical networks”

04/Apr/2024 Yai Lakretz (EHESS, Paris, France) –  “Linking Linguistic Theory and Brain Dynamics with Deep Neural Models”

24/Jan/2024  Sadra Sadeh (Imperial College London) – “Uncovering specific circuitry of neural networks with targeted perturbations”

01/Dec/2023 Ryan Law  (University of Cambridge) – “Studying the brain bases of language understanding using electro- and magneto-encephalography”

22/Sep/2023 Guillaume Hennequin (University of Cambridge) – “A recurrent network model of planning explains hippocampal replay and human behavior”

Spring/Summer 2022/2023

Speakers for Spring/Summer 2023:

30/June/23: Camilo Libedinsky (NUS, Singapore)

01/June/23: Loreen Hertag (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)

12/May/23: Leonidas Richter (Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Germany)

21/April/23: Joana Cabral (University of Minho/Champalimaud, Portugal)

14/April/23: Xiao-Jing Wang (New York University, US)

03/March/23: Heike Stein (ENS, Paris, France)

24/February/23: Kris Jensen (University of Cambridge, UK)

17/February/23:  Ulises Pereira-Obilinovic (Allen Institute, US)

03/February/23: Conor Houghton (Bristol, UK).








Autumn 2022

02/12/22: Neural Computation seminar (online): Richard Naud (University of Ottawa)  (Hosts: Rui/Joe)

A ternary neural code resolves error and sharpening signals

02/12/22: Neural Computation seminar (MVB room 4.01): Jorge Jaramillo (European Neuroscience Institute, Göttingen, Germany)  (Host: Seán)

“Subcortical-cortical interactions for cognitive computations”.

18/11/22: Neural Computation seminar (TBD): Luke Prince (Graphcore)  (Hosts: Rui/Joe)

Parallelism, efficiency, scaling and brain

14/10/22: Neural Computation seminar (G.10 LT Fry Building): Seán Froudist-Walsh (Bristol)  (Hosts: Conor/Rui/Laurence)

Gradients of receptor expression shape distributed cognitive functions



Spring 2022

Meetings are hold at 3pm on Fridays.

TBA: Neural Computation seminar: Seán Froudist-Walsh (New York University) – TBA (Hosts: Conor/Rui/Laurence)

TBA: Neural Computation Seminar: Joao Sacramento (ETH Zurich) – TBA (Host: Rui Ponte Costa/Will Greedy/Heng Zhu)

  • April 29th: Neural Computation seminar:

Srikanth Ramaswamy (Newcastle University) – What can deep neural networks learn from neuromodulatory systems? (Hosts: Rui Ponte Costa/Heng Zhu/Majia Filipovica)

2021/2022 Autumn

Meetings are hold at 3pm on Fridays.

8 Oct: NC Seminar: Kate Storrs (Justus Liebig University) – Understanding mid-level vision through unsupervised learning (Hosts: Rui Ponte Costa/Milton Llera Montero/Kevin Nejad)

15 Oct: TBA

22 Oct: TBA

29 Oct: NC seminar: Sadra Sadeh (Imperial College London) – Excitatory-inhibitory balance modulates the formation and dynamics of neuronal assemblies in cortical networks (Hosts: Rui Ponte Costa/Joe Pemberton/Will Greedy)

3 Dec: NC Seminar: Joao Sacramento (ETH Zurich) – TBA (Host: Rui Ponte Costa)

Spring 2021

Most meetings on Fridays at 3pm


22 January Hannes Saal (Sheffield): Expansion and contraction of resource allocation in sensory bottlenecks

5 Feb Benigno Uria (Google Deepmind): The Spatial Memory Pipeline: A deep-learning model of spatial understanding in brains and machines.

26 Feb Mac Shine (Sidney University): TBA

19 March ethics discussion on reanimation at zoom 963 0962 4747

26 March Demian Battaglia ( Aix-Marseille University):  Complex neural variability as a resource for cognitive information processing at zoom 963 0962 4747

9 April Jennifer Culbertson (Edinburgh) Understanding nominal word order through information theory and biased learning  at zoom 963 0962 4747

16 April Sander Keemink (Champalimaud):  The underlying geometry of spiking neural networks – on inequalities and convex optimization at zoom 993 6866 9173 Passcode: 028770 

23 April Áine Byrne (U. College Dublin): Next generation neural mass models: an introduction at zoom 963 0962 4747

30 April Seth Bullock (CS) Collective construction in artificial insects at zoom 963 0962 4747

7 May there is an interesting talk in maths which clashes so we won’t have a seminar of our own: https://www.bristolmathsresearch.org/seminar/giacomo-zanella/

14 May learning salon video and discussion at zoom 963 0962 4747

21 May Will Carr: Ripples and memory reactivation patterns in humans
Jonathan Blackman: Dopamine, Sleep and Cognition – DOPAMIND Study

28 May John Butler (Dublin TU)  Two become one: Multisensory Data and Future Modelling at zoom 963 0962 4747

4 June Will Greedy. Journal club talk on https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-021-00857-x at zoom 963 0962 4747

Joint mini-away-day Neural Computation / Mathematical Biology

14:30 to 16:30 on Friday 30 October at zoom 991 7487 4920

14:30 – opening remarks
14:40 – Cian O’Donnell – Modelling the Rules of Synaptic Plasticity
15:00 – Lucia Marruci and Martin Homer – This is Mathematical Biology.
15:20 – break out room discussions
15:35 – discussion of the break out room discussion
15:45 – Gaurav Malhotra – What do Adversarial Images Tell us about Human Vision?
16:05 – Sophie Landon, Elisa Pedone and Davide Salzano – short talks about Mathematical Biology
16:25 – closing remarks
16:30 – end




Autumn 2020

Most meetings on Fridays at 3pm at zoom 991 7487 4920

2 October Chloe / Naomi

9 October Journal Club: the NumPy paper – Conor

16 October we will watch and discuss Paul Cisek’s learning salon talk. www.crowdcast.io/e/learningsalon/6

23 October Stefan Frank (Radboud U. Nijmegen) “Neural language models and human reading behaviour”

30 October Join mini-away-day with the mathematical biology group: cnumeeting.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/2020/10/20/nc_versus_mb

6 November Casimie Ludwig “Temporal Control in Modelling Eye Fixations”

13 November Matt Suderman / Paul Yousefi “DNA methylation predictors: applications, statistical considerations, and new directions”

20 November learning salon talk by Melanie Mitchell followed by discussion.

27 November Venkat Ramaswamy (BITS-Pilani, India; https://theory.ncbs.res.in/vramaswamy)
“Axiomatic theory for neural circuit computation”

4 December Kanaka Rajan (Mount Sinai, New York; https://www.rajanlab.com)

11 December Cristina Savin (New York University; https://csavin.wixsite.com/savinlab)
“Task-specific routing of information in neural circuits via structured noise”

Summer 2020

CNU lab meetings are usually at 3pm on Fridays. More info on bristolcnu.github.io

24 July 2020 – CNU seminar: Jan Schulz (University of Basel)

“Nonlinear dendritic inhibition: A trickle that stops the wave”

17 July 2020 – CNU seminar: Helen Barron (Oxford)

“Hippocampal-neocortical interactions in prediction and memory”

10 July 2020 –  Stephen Montgomery (Life Sciences, U of Bristol)

“Sensory and cognitive adaptations in butterfly brains”

3 July 2020 – CNU seminar: James Bennett (Sussex)

“Probing reinforcement learning in Drosophila melanogaster”

Our meetings are for now hosted online.

Winter/Spring 2020

CNU lab meetings are usually at 3pm on Fridays. See also our list highlighting computational neuroscience seminars across the university. More info on bristolcnu.github.io

12 June 2020 – CNU seminar: Jake Stroud (University of Cambridge)

“A unifying model of prefrontal dynamics across task epochs during working memory”

22 May 2020 – CNU seminar: Tatjana Tchumatchenko (MPI Frankfurt)

“How proteins navigate dendrites”

15 May 2020 – CNU seminar:

“Attention in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Machine Learning”

Grace Lindsay (UCL)

7 May 2020 – CNU seminar:

“On feedback and robustness in spiking networks, and its implications for perturbation experiments”

William Podlaski (Oxford/Champalimaud) [hosted online]

24 April 2020 – Rahul Gupta (CNU / Computer Science)

10 April 2020 – No meeting, public holiday.

20 March 2020 – Thomas Delaney (CNU/Computer Science)

13 March 2020 – no meeting

6 March 2020 – no meeting (clash with SCEEM research conference)

28 Feb 2020 – CNU seminar: Deep learning research directions (Graphcore)

21 Feb 2020 – Song Liu (School of Maths, Bristol)

‘Learning Differential Patterns using Density Ratio Estimation: with Applications in Neuroscience’

14 Feb 2020 – CNU seminar: Everton Agnes (Oxford)

‘Learning with interacting synapses’

31 Jan 2020 – Emma Roscow

‘Replay in brains and machines’

24 Jan 2020 – Claire Hales (PPN)

17 Jan 2020 – Aleks Domanski (PPN)

‘Decoding the sequential contributions of hippocampal-frontal cortical cell assemblies to spatial decision making’

Our meetings are for now hosted online.