
Meetings are held at 3pm (UK time) on Fridays. To receive notifications of future seminars, please email one of the organisors (Conor Houghton, Seán Froudist-Walsh, Laurence Aitchinson).

23/May/2024 Songting Li  (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China)  – “Mathematical analysis of the structure and dynamics of large-scale cortical networks”

04/Apr/2024 Yai Lakretz (EHESS, Paris, France) –  “Linking Linguistic Theory and Brain Dynamics with Deep Neural Models”

24/Jan/2024  Sadra Sadeh (Imperial College London) – “Uncovering specific circuitry of neural networks with targeted perturbations”

01/Dec/2023 Ryan Law  (University of Cambridge) – “Studying the brain bases of language understanding using electro- and magneto-encephalography”

22/Sep/2023 Guillaume Hennequin (University of Cambridge) – “A recurrent network model of planning explains hippocampal replay and human behavior”